Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kalakand (Milk Burfi)

·        2 liters milk
·        1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar
·        Chopped nuts to decorate (pista, almonds)
·        Silver foil (optional)
·        1/2 tsp citric acid dissolved in 1/2 cup water.

Ø METHOD:                                                
·        Boil half the milk and add the citric solution as it comes to boil
·        Switch off gas. Once the chenna settles sieve through muslin cloth, press out excess water, take in a plate and press down.
·        Do not knead.
·        Put the remaining milk in a heavy pan and boil to half.
·        Add the chenna and boil till the mixture thickens, stirring continuously.
·        Add the sugar and continue to cook, stirring all the while till softly thickens in a lump.
·        Set in a tray, apply silver foil and sprinkle the chopped nuts. 


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