Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Badam Ka Seera

·        1 1/2 cup almonds soaked overnight
·        3 cups hot milk
·        250 gm ghee
·        1/2 to 1/3 cup sugar

·        Mix well and heat in a fry pan until it becomes soft
·        Peel the almonds, wash and grind to fine paste.
·        Heat ghee in a heavy pan
·        Add paste and cook on first high then slow flame, stirring continuously.
·        After a while it should turn a light brown and aromatic.
·        Carefully pour hot milk and stir.
·        Use a long-handled spatula as the mixture tends to splatter.
·        When thickens, add the sugar and cook, stirring continuously and gently till ghee begins to separate.
·        Decorate with chopped nuts and serve hot. 


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