Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fortune Cookies

230grams all−purpose flour
2 Tbl. Cornstarchs
115grams Sugar

1/2 teas. Salt
115grams Vegetable oil
115grams Egg whites
1 Tbl. Water
2 teas. Vanilla extract.
1. In a deep bowl, mix the following ingredients: 230grams. Flour, 2 tablespoons corn starch, 115grams sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt, blend in 115grams. oil, 115grams. Egg whites, 1 tablespoon water and 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, and beat until smooth consistency.
2. Write your own "Fortune" on a piece of paper 2 1/2" by 1/2". Prepared oven to 300F.
3. Scoop a tablespoon of cookie batter and spread evenly into a 4" circle on a well greased baking sheet.
4. Bake cookie for about 14 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Remove one cookie at a time from the oven.
5. You have about 15 seconds working time before the cookie hardens. Place the "Fortune" in the middle of the cookie.
6. Shape the cookie by folding it in half and grasp both ends. Place the finished cookie in a muffin pan with the ends down to hold its unique shape.


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